New Orleans Car Accident Lawyer

Schoenfeld-Law-Firm-Car Accident

Have You Been Injured in an Auto Accident Caused by Another Driver’s Negligence? Discover Your Legal Options to Recover Compensation for Medical Bills, Lost Wages, and Pain and Suffering After a Car, Truck, or Motorcycle Accident.

Automobile, 18-wheeler, Company Truck, Motorcycle, Watercraft, Railroad, Airplane and Helicopter accidents are a national epidemic, killing or injuring millions of Americans each year. Victims injured on Louisiana roadways may be entitled to financial damages.

What you should do immediately following an auto accident:

1. Gather Evidence at the Accident Scene

Gather names, addresses, and phone numbers of everyone involved in the accident.  Get a description of the car and license plate number and be sure you also get the other driver’s insurance company information and the vehicle identification number (VIN) of their car.

Take photos or videos of any injuries to you or any other passengers, damage to property or vehicles or any damage in the roadway.  Identify by name, phone number and address any other individuals involved in or witnesses to the accident.

2. File an Auto Accident Report

Filing a police report will document the facts of the accident and help determine who was at fault. Even in a minor accident, it is important to make sure there is a valid police accident report. Without a report, once you leave the scene, it is your word against the other driver’s as to how the accident occurred.  Do not leave the scene until the investigating police department complete a full report.

It is important to limit your discussion of the accident and not to admit any fault or liability.  You should talk about the accident only with the police and your insurance agent.   Try to determine if any citations are issued to the other driver for any violations.

3. Call Your Insurance Agent

Call your agent or insurance company immediately, even at the scene with the police present if possible to file the appropriate claim.

4. Seek Proper Medical Care Immediately

If the injuries require emergency care, call an ambulance for transport to a hospital. If not, visit an urgent care center or arrange to be seen by your regular doctor as soon as you leave the accident scene.  Some auto accident injuries – often serious ones – may not be apparent to you right away, especially when your body has been traumatized, so be sure you are examined by a medical care provider without delay.

5. Contact the Lawyers of Schoenfeld Law Firm

The lawyers of Schoenfeld Law Firm stand ready to help with your case.

Supply us with the information you have gathered and we can immediately obtain police accident reports, confirm insurance coverage on the vehicle at fault and arrange to have you treated with a local physician.

Whether in the Lafayette, Acadiana, or New Orleans area, our attorneys are ready to help you.

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Download our step-by-step Auto Accident Guide to put yourself in the best position possible to get what you deserve.

Serving the state of Louisiana in, but not limited to, the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan area and the Greater Acadiana area.

Call today for a free consultation on your potential claim!

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