Lafayette Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Have You or a Loved One Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Due to an Accident? Discover How an Experienced Attorney Can Help You Seek Compensation for Medical Treatment, Rehabilitation Costs, Lost Income, and Long-Term Care Needs.
Traumatic Brain Injury, often referred to as TBI, is a devastating and traumatic occurrence for both victims and families alike. The repercussion of a TBI can affect many aspects of one’s life, including memory, speech, sense of smell and taste, and even personality. Victims of brain injury respond to treatment very differently, depending on the severity of the injury itself. In most cases, a mild TBI will not even appear on MRI or other imaging techniques, remaining hidden only to present itself in other disruptive and tragic ways. Often, these injuries require a neuropsychological evaluation to determine the full extent of the injury.
Even then, brain injuries do not magically heal like other injuries, such as to your back or limb. Recovery can occur over a period of weeks, months, years or never at all.
If you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of another’s negligence, let Schoenfeld Law Firm be your Voice. Our firm has personal, first-hand experience with the consequences of such an injury. Contact us anytime for a discreet, complimentary consultation.
Whether in the Lafayette, Acadiana, or New Orleans area, our attorneys are ready to assist.
Serving the state of Louisiana in, but not limited to, the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan area and the Greater Acadiana area.
Call today for a free consultation on your potential claim!